Doug Houser’s beloved novel, Colter’s Mountain, is making an exciting leap from the written word to the world of film. The upcoming screenplay adaptation promises to bring the breathtaking landscapes and powerful themes of the book to life in a whole new way.
For fans of the novel, this adaptation offers a chance to see Colter’s journey unfold visually, capturing the raw beauty of the Pacific Northwest and the profound struggles and triumphs of the human spirit. The screenplay stays true to Doug’s original vision while exploring new dimensions that only film can offer.
Planning to have a screenplay has been an incredible process. It’s amazing to see the story take on new life, and I can’t wait for readers and viewers alike to experience Colter’s world on screen.
Doug Houser
Stay tuned for updates on the screenplay’s progress, behind-the-scenes insights, and more as we count down to this thrilling new chapter in the Colter’s Mountain legacy. Whether you’re a fan of the book or new to Doug Houser’s work, this is an adventure you won’t want to miss!